lundi 23 mars 2009

Rituals and Traditions during Easter Processions

Alex Majoli | 08.04.09 > 15.04.09
Workshop | Sicile

EN : Rituals and traditions represent a very strong side of Sicilian way of life. This is what we will keep in mind during this workshop run by Alex Majoli, one of Magnum’s most active photographers. For years, TPW has planned workshops in Sicily during the Easter Processions. We usually look at Easter Processions not as a single event, but as part of life and spirit of Sicily. We will follow the last 4 days of the processions and, at the same time, full of this strong visual and emotional experience, plunge ourselves into Sicily’s everyday life and culture. In the days leading up to Easter, in every Sicilian town, processions are carried out bringing to life the Passion of Christ. The Christian component goes side by side with the pagan element, resulting in the creation of unique rituals which are completely different from all the others taking place in the rest of Italy. Our workshop will start on Wednesday, in order to be ready to shoot on Holy Thursday. We will start following the processions in the villages on the Eastern part of the island, in the little towns with very few inhabitants and where there is a greater intimacy and a strongly felt sense of the religious tradition than in the larger, more well-known processions. We will go out in order to reach the places where this ritual is celebrated in a humble yet potent way. The last days will be concentrated in Scicli, where Easter celebrations are stronger that anywhere else. Everyday there will be groups and individual critiques. We will spend all day on Tuesday editing the work produced during the week.